Growth & Development

Your Supported Sitter's Food Group Guide

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3 min read
Supported Sitter (Around 6 months)

Introducing Baby Food

Your ambitious Supported Sitter may reach for something they see you eating, but breastmilk or iron-fortified baby formula should still be first for your baby's nutrition. Around 4 to 6 months, when you start noticing your baby’s developmental cues, like having head control and sitting with little support, they may be ready for solid foods like iron-rich, single-grain baby cereal to be added to your Supported Sitter's diet.

All babies are different, and develop at their own pace to become ready for solid foods. When your baby is ready, discuss with your doctor about starting solid foods. Starting solids helps your Supported Sitter in many ways:


  • Helps develops eating skills like tongue, lip and cheek control.
  • Iron-fortified infant cereal has iron to help your baby's brain development and learning ability.


Single-grain infant cereals, like oatmeal or rice cereal, are the most common first solid foods introduced to infants. That’s because they’re fortified with iron and zinc which are important for growth and development.

Fruit and vegetable baby food
will come into play once your Supported Sitter is more comfortable eating from a spoon. Just like cereal, introduce these one at a time and keep an eye out for allergic reactions like diarrhea, rash or vomiting. If you see these signs, stop feeding and call your pediatrician. Iron-fortified infant cereal also provides the iron needed for healthy growth and brain development. Two servings of Gerber® Infant cereal will provide 90% of the daily value of iron for infants.

Supported Sitter’s Daily Intake

As your baby continues to develop during the first 4-6 months, pay attention to developmental cues which signal they are ready for solids and take the steps needed in preparing for a nutritious meal plan. Here is a useful chart to help you learn how much of each food group you should be giving to best provide for your Supported Sitter’s nutrition:

Food Groups Daily Intake* Serving Size Examples  
Breastmilk or Infant Formula 24 fl oz. On demand  
Grains 3/4 - 1 oz. Twice a day - 1/4 cup (6-8 tablespoons) dry infant cereal with iron  
Vegetables 1/4 cup Twice a day - 2 tablespoons vegetable baby food (single vegetable variety)  
Fruits 1/4 cup Twice a day - 2 tablespoons fruit baby food (single vegetable variety)  

*Your baby’s needs may be greater or less than these typical amounts suggested; always follow your baby’s hunger and fullness cues. Check with your doctor if you have questions about how much your infant needs.

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